Vikram Lotus - UKG Active Starter Set (3 Term Books + 3 Work Books + Assessment Books)

Sale priceRs. 2,469.00


Vikram Lotus -

UKG Active Starter Set

(3 Term Books + 3 Work Books + Assessment Book)

Subjects : 

English with Rhymes and Stories


EVS & G.K.

Drawing & Colouring

Active Starter Set is a kit of 3 term wise learning of all subjects aimed for starter kids of Senior KG. This set is stuffed with knowledge based main book followed by activity oriented and instant Assessment books. The flavours of Short Stories, popular Rhymes and amazing Colouring Arts inspire the kids and incite enthusiasim in them. Work Book part helps student in widening his learnt knowledge and reflect in Assessment, tests incorporated in this set. This set is definately a risk free to teachers, pressure free to learners and tension free to parents.

Salient features of Active Starter Set :-

Pictorial procedure for easy feeding of Subject.

Basic knowledge inculcation for strong foundation.

Universal standards based - Student friendly.

Attractive images, Large fonts, Playful tasks, Sportive education, Enthusiastic exercises.

Student Main Book :-  Term -1 ; Term -2 ; Term -3. Easy Learning & obvious teaching Main books, covering the subjects English, Mathematics, Environmental Studies and Drawing as a set.

Work Book :- Term -1 ; Term -2 ; Term -3. Learning works related to Main Book covering class-works and Home-works too.

Assessment Sheets :- Unit -I, II, III & IV + Final Test.

Separate assessment sheets for each subject.

Drawing includes EVS.

Syllabus wise periodical Assessment papers perforated for conducting tests.

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